Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

370     (CB3) Commercial Mixed Business Zone

Bylaw 15446

July 19, 2010

Bylaw 15834

July 18, 2011

370.1      General Purpose

The purpose of this Zone is to create a mixed-use zone to provide for a range of medium intensity Commercial Uses as well as enhance opportunities for residential development in locations near high capacity transportation nodes, including Transit Avenues or other locations offering good accessibility. This Zone is not intended to accommodate "big box" style commercial development that utilizes significant amounts of surface parking, nor is it intended to be located Abutting any Zone that allows Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, without appropriate site interface provisions.

370.2      Permitted Uses

  1. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs

Bylaw 15953

November 13, 2012

  1. Business Support Services

Charter Bylaw 18387

June 12, 2018

  1. Cannabis Retail Sales

  1. Child Care Services

  2. Commercial Schools

  3. Convenience Retail Stores

Bylaw 16224

September 10, 2012

  1. Creation and Production Establishments

  1. General Retail Stores

  2. Government Services

  3. Health Services

  4. Household Repair Services

Charter Bylaw 18882

June 17, 2019

  1. Liquor Stores

Bylaw 15953

November 13, 2012

  1. Lodging Houses

Charter Bylaw 18613

November 26, 2018

  1. Market

Bylaw 16224

September 10, 2012

  1. Media Studios

  1. Minor Amusement Establishments

  2. Minor Home Based Business

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Multi-unit Housing

  1. Personal Service Shops

  2. Private Education Services

  3. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  4. Public Education Services

  5. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits

  6. Restaurants

Bylaw 16224

September 10, 2012

  1. Secondhand Stores

Charter Bylaw 18613

November 26, 2018

  1. Special Event

  1. Specialty Food Services

Bylaw 17403

October 19, 2015

Effective date: February 1, 2016

Charter Bylaw 19490

November 5, 2020

  1. Supportive Housing

  2. Urban Gardens

  3. Fascia On-premises Signs

  4. Freestanding On-premises Signs

  5. Projecting On-premises Signs

  6. Temporary On-premises Signs

370.3      Discretionary Uses

  1. Apartment Hotels

Bylaw 18171

September 11, 2017

  1. Breweries, Wineries and Distilleries

  2. Extended Medical Treatment Centre

  3. Hotels

  4. Indoor Participant Recreation Services

  5. Live Work Unit

  6. Major Amusement Establishments

  7. Major Home Based Business

  8. Minor Impact Utility Services

  9. Nightclubs

Charter Bylaw 19275

June 23, 2020

Effective: July 2, 2020

  1. Vehicle Parking

Bylaw 16224

September 10, 2012

  1. Pawn Stores

  1. Private Clubs

  2. Residential Sales Centre

  3. Spectator Entertainment Establishments

Bylaw 17901

March 6, 2017

  1. Urban Indoor Farms

Bylaw 17403

October 19, 2015

Effective date: February 1, 2016

  1. Urban Outdoor Farms

  1. Veterinary Services

  2. Warehouse Sales

  3. Fascia Off-premises Signs

  4. Freestanding Off-premises Signs

Bylaw 15892

October 11, 2011

  1. Major Digital Signs

Bylaw 15892

October 11, 2011

  1. Minor Digital Off-premises Signs

Bylaw 15892

October 11, 2011

  1. Minor Digital On-premises Signs

Bylaw 15892

October 11, 2011

  1. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs

370.4      Development Regulations

Bylaw 16224

September 10, 2012

  1. Residential, Residential Related and Basic Service Uses shall only be allowed:

Charter Bylaw 18381

May 7, 2018

  1. where they are located primarily above ground level; and  

  2. as part of a mixed Use development combined with Commercial or Community, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Service Uses.

Charter Bylaw 18381

May 7, 2018

  1. Dwellings and Sleeping Units may be located at ground level provided they are developed:

  1. at the rear of the building, adjacent to a Lane; or

  2. in the case of a corner Site, at the rear of the building or on the flanking public roadway.

Bylaw 18303

February 26, 2018

  1. Amenity Area shall be provided in accordance with Section 46 of this Bylaw.

  2. Restaurants and Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs shall not exceed a capacity of 417 Occupants or 500 m2 of Public Space, and shall be located on and oriented toward a public roadway where practical, other than a Lane.

  3. Specialty Food Services shall not exceed a capacity of 167 Occupants or 200 m2 of Public Space, and shall be located on and oriented toward a public roadway where practical, other than a Lane.

  4. Nightclubs shall not exceed a capacity of 250 Occupants or 300 m2 of Public Space, and shall not share a Site with, or a Site that is Abutting, adjacent to, or across a Lane from, a Residential Zone.

  5. General Retail Stores or Warehouse Sales shall not exceed a Floor Area of 2000 m2. The Development Officer must consider, among other factors, building massing and scale as well as the pedestrian-oriented nature of an area when considering any request to vary the maximum Floor Area.  

  1. Any development with a drive-through service window shall conform to the following regulations:

  1. the drive-through component shall form part of a mixed Use building and shall not be located in a freestanding building onto itself;

  2. the location, orientation and Setback of drive-through service windows shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and shall minimize the on-site and off-site traffic impacts and have regard for safety and the pedestrian environment of local shopping streets;

  3. drive-through service windows shall be oriented away from the Front Yard and placed, wherever possible, at the rear of the building;

  4. the design, finishing and siting of such development shall achieve a compatible relationship with surrounding development and a high standard of appearance when viewed from adjacent roadways;

  5. a minimum of six in-bound queuing spaces shall be provided for vehicles approaching the drive-through service window. One out-bound queuing space shall be provided on the exit side of each service position and this space shall be located so as not to interfere with service to the next vehicle;

  6. Landscaping shall be used to screen and soften the impact of the drive-through service window.

  1. Floor Area Ratio:

The maximum Floor Area Ratio for non-Residential Uses shall be 4.0, and the maximum Floor Area Ratio for Residential and Residential-Related Uses shall be 6.0. In mixed Use buildings, the total Floor Area Ratio for all Uses shall not exceed 7.0.

  1. Building Height:

Bylaw 16733

July 6, 2015

  1. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 36.0 m.

Charter Bylaw 19502

February 9, 2021

  1. Notwithstanding the above, the Development Officer may increase the building Height to a maximum of 45.0 m if the additional Height accommodates Residential or Residential-Related Uses and:

  1. adjacent buildings Abut the Lot line to form a pedestrian-oriented shopping street; or

  2. the development consists of a podium that forms part of an existing or future pedestrian-oriented shopping street; or

  3. the Site is located on a Transit Avenue

Adverse environmental impacts such as sun shadow and wind shall be minimized in accordance with Section 14 of this Bylaw. Any development that exceeds 36.0 m in Height shall become a Class B Development.

  1. Building Setback:

A minimum Setback of 3.0 m shall be required from all Lot lines except that there shall be no Setback from the Front or Side Lot Lines where:

  1. adjacent buildings Abut the Lot line to form a pedestrian-oriented shopping street; or

  2. the development consists of a podium that forms part of an existing or future pedestrian-oriented shopping street; or

  3. the Site is located on a Transit Avenue.

If any of the criteria in 12(a), (b), or (c) above are met, the Development Officer may allow a maximum Setback of 2.5 m on the Front or Side Lot Lines to accommodate street related activities, such as sidewalk cafes, architectural features and Landscaping that contribute to the pedestrian-oriented shopping character of the area. Where no Setback is provided, development shall be subject to an encroachment agreement in accordance with Section 15(7) of this Bylaw.

  1. A minimum Setback of 7.5 m shall be provided where the Rear Lot Line or Side Lot Line Abuts a Zone that allows Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use. This Setback may be reduced to 3.0 m where the new development consists of a commercial podium that forms part of a pedestrian-oriented shopping street and adverse environmental impacts such as sun shadow and wind are minimized, in accordance with Section 14 of this Bylaw.

  2. Signs shall comply with the regulations of Schedule 59F.

  3. Wherever feasible, vehicular access shall be from the flanking roadway or Abutting Lane.  In the event there is no Abutting Lane or flanking roadway, the vehicular access shall be designed in a manner that has minimal impact on Abutting public roadways.

  4. Vehicular parking, loading and facilities shall be located at the rear of the building.

  5. On Sites where surface parking is provided, a concept plan shall be provided demonstrating how a minimum Floor Area Ratio of 0.8 could be achieved through future phases of development.  Such concept plans are intended to illustrate how future densification could be accommodated without prejudicing future development, and shall not imply a commitment or obligation to such future development.

Charter Bylaw 18381

May 7, 2018

Charter Bylaw 19275

June 23, 2020

Effective: July 2, 2020

Charter Bylaw 19737

June 23, 2021

  1. Vehicle Parking, in the form of an Above Ground parkade, shall not be located at ground level, and shall not interfere with a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-Use area.

Charter Bylaw 19502

February 9, 2021

  1. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a Front Setback or Side Setback area.

Bylaw 17672

June 27, 2016

  1. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites, public roadways or a LRT line in accordance with the provisions of Section 55.5 of this Bylaw. If the rear or sides of a Site are used for parking or an outdoor service or display area and Abut a Residential Zone or a Lane serving a Residential Zone, such areas shall be screened in accordance with the provisions of Section 55.5 of this Bylaw.

  1. Service function areas, such as loading docks, truck parking, and utility meters, shall be incorporated into the overall design theme of the building and/or landscape.

Bylaw 17403

October 19, 2015

Effective date:  February 1, 2016

  1. Urban Outdoor Farms shall comply with Section 98 of this Bylaw.

  2. Urban Gardens shall comply with Section 98 of this Bylaw.

Bylaw 17527

February 17, 2016

  1. Urban Indoor Farms shall comply with Section 98 of this Bylaw.

370.5      Urban Design Regulations

  1. Any development with a Floor Area greater than 3000 m2 or a single wall length greater than 25.0 m visible from a public road, shall comply with the following criteria:

  1. the roof line and building façade shall include design elements that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest; and

  2. Landscaping adjacent to exterior walls shall be used to minimize the perceived mass of the building and to create visual interest.

  1. Where a building exceeds 14.0 m or four Storeys and Abuts a Zone that allows Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, a minimum stepback of 1.0 m per Storey, to a maximum of 6.0 m, shall be required for that portion of the building exceeding 14.0 m or four Storeys.

  2. Any development with a building Height greater than 23.0 m or six Storeys shall address massing and building articulation in accordance with the following regulations:

  1. Podium

Bylaw 17062

July 9, 2015

  1. A podium shall be required, the maximum Height of which shall not exceed 3 Storeys or 13.0 m.

  2. The podium shall include design elements that create a pedestrian oriented built form, such as but not limited to articulation around entrance ways, roof treatment, setbacks and stepbacks in the building mass, building articulation, and the architectural treatment of the facades.

  3. The podium shall incorporate weather protection in the form of a wide canopy or any other architectural element on façades wherever active commercial frontages exist.

  1. Tower

  1. The tower shall be differentiated from the podium, but should reinforce some of the design details, materials, and architectural expression from the podium.

  2. Towers shall stepback from the front podium wall a minimum of 3.0 m.

  3. The minimum distance between non-residential towers shall be 20.0 m.

  4. The minimum distance between a residential tower and any other tower shall be 25.0 m.

  1. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building.

  2. Where the Site is part of a pedestrian oriented shopping street or a Transit Avenue, the following regulations shall apply, at the discretion of the Development Officer:

  1. The architectural treatment of the building shall include features such as:

  1. Entrance features;

  2. Canopies; and

  3. Features that lend visual interest and create a human scale.

  1. A minimum of 60% of ground floor commercial façades fronting onto a public roadway other than a Lane shall have clear glazing on the exterior.

  2. Building entrances and windows shall be oriented toward a public roadway, other than a Lane.

  3. On corner Sites, the façade treatment shall wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile.

  1. Principal building entrances for any Use shall be designed for universal accessibility.  Level changes from the sidewalk to entrances of buildings shall be minimized.  Sidewalk furniture and other elements shall be located out of the travel path to ensure they are not obstacles to building access.

Charter Bylaw 18381

May 7, 2018

  1. Residential and Residential-Related Uses shall have a separate entrance at ground level from non-Residential Uses. Entrances shall be differentiated through distinct architectural treatment.”;