Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

165      (UCRH) Urban Character Row Housing Zone

Bylaw 15633

December 13, 2010

165.1     General Purpose

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

The purpose of this Zone is to provide for medium density ground-oriented Multi-unit Housing in a manner that is characteristic of urban settings and can include more intensive development in the form of, but not limited to, smaller yards, greater Height, orientation to a public street, and greater attention to architectural detail. This Zone is intended as a transition zone between low and higher density housing. 

165.2     Permitted Uses

Charter Bylaw 19490

November 5, 2020

  1. Supportive Housing, Restricted to Limited Supportive Housing

  2. Minor Home Based Business

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Multi-unit Housing

Charter Bylaw 18484

August 20, 2018

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Secondary Suites

Bylaw 17403

October 19, 2015

Effective date: February 1, 2016

  1. Urban Gardens

  1. Fascia On-premises Signs

165.3     Discretionary Uses

  1. Child Care Services

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Duplex Housing

Charter Bylaw 19490

November 5, 2020

  1. Supportive Housing

Bylaw 15953

November 13, 2012

  1. Lodging Houses

  2. Major Home Based Business

  3. Residential Sales Centre

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Semi-detached Housing

Charter Bylaw 18613

November 26, 2018

  1. Special Event

Bylaw 17403

October 19, 2015

Effective date: February 1, 2016

  1. Urban Outdoor Farms

  2. Freestanding On-premises Signs

  3. Temporary On-premises Signs

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

165.4     Development Regulations for Permitted and Discretionary Uses

  1. The minimum Site Area shall be 125 m2 per principal Dwelling

  2. The minimum Site Width shall be 5.0 m

  3. The minimum Site Depth shall be 30.0 m

  4. The minimum Density, inclusive of Secondary Suites, shall be 35 Dwellings/ha.

  5. The maximum Height shall be 12.0 m.

  6. Front Setbacks shall be in accordance with Table 165.4(6)


  1. Side Setbacks shall be in accordance with Table 165.4(7).

  1. Rear Setbacks shall be in accordance with Table 165.4(8).


  1. Maximum Site Coverage shall be 50%. The maximum total Site Coverage shall be increased by up to 2% of the Site Area, in addition to any increase allowed under Section 87, to accommodate single Storey Unenclosed Front Porches.

  2. Where the Site Abuts a Lane, vehicular access shall be from the Lane.

  3. Parking shall be developed in accordance with the following:

  1. where there is no Lane access, parking may be located at the rear of the building, provided that where three or more Dwellings are attached, access from the public roadway shall be via a single common driveway;

  2. where there is no Lane access and the Dwelling has a width of 6.5 m or greater, a front attached Garage may be developed;

  3. notwithstanding 165.4(11)(a) and (b) above, in no case shall parking be accessed directly from a collector roadway, or accessed via the front of lots or Dwellings that front onto a road located directly across from or adjacent to a school or public park Site.

Charter Bylaw 19275

June 23, 2020

Effective: July 2, 2020

  1. Where on-Site Vehicle Parking spaces are located at the rear of any Dwelling the following requirements apply:  

  1. one Garage, or Site for one Garage shall be clearly demarcated both on the Site and on the plan accompanying any application for a principal building, located in accordance with the regulations of this Bylaw. A Hardsurfaced Walkway is required between the Garage or Garage Site pad and an entry to the Dwelling;

  2. Where detached rear parking Garages are developed, the maximum width of the building containing the Garage(s) shall not exceed:

  1. 25 m, provided that the building does not contain more than four separate Garages, outside of the boundaries of the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay; or

  2. 13 m, provided that the building does not contain more than two separate Garages, within the boundaries of the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay.

  1. Within the boundaries of the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, attached Garages shall be developed in accordance with the following:

  1. a Garage may protrude beyond the front or flanking wall of the principal building a distance that is characteristic of existing Garages on the blockface;

  2. a Garage may have a maximum width that is characteristic of the width of existing attached Garages on the blockface;

  3. building mass shall be articulated through features such as recessions or off-sets, architectural treatments, and Landscaping; and

  4. for Semi-detached Housing, Duplex Housing, and Row Housing, and Multi-unit Housing, Garages shall be designed so that the Garage is attached to a shared common wall and includes a shared driveway apron where possible.

  1. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw.

  2. Amenity Area shall be provided in accordance with Section 46 of this Bylaw.

  3. Urban Outdoor Farms shall comply with Section 98 of this Bylaw.

  4. Urban Gardens shall comply with Section 98 of this Bylaw.

165.5     Additional Regulations for Specific Uses

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Multi-unit Housing and Semi-detached Housing shall be developed in accordance with the following regulations:

  1. each principal Dwelling shall have individual front door access to a public roadway, except in the case of Multi-unit Housing access to Dwellings above the first Storey may be shared by two Dwellings;

  2. each principal Dwelling shall be oriented toward the street such that front and flanking facades and yards include design elements such as windows, covered porches, varied building articulation and landscaping as the dominant elements facing the public streetscape;

Bylaw 17727

August 22, 2016

  1. a transition area between the public street and semi-private area in front of dwellings should be defined using landscape features such as decorative Fencing, change in Grade, shrub beds or rock gardens and/or built elements such as stairs, private entrance features and verandas or porches;

Bylaw 15735

June 20, 2011

  1. notwithstanding subsection 44(1)(a) of this Bylaw, unenclosed steps leading to a front entry way may project into a Front Setback, up to the Front Lot Line.

Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Multi-unit Housing shall be developed in accordance with the following regulations:

  1. the maximum width of the Frontage of the front Façade of a building containing Muli-unit Housing shall be 48 m;

  2. design techniques including, but not limited to, the use of sloped roofs, variations in building Setbacks, articulation of building façades, and varied architectural designs shall be employed in order to minimize the perception of massing of the building when viewed from adjacent residential areas and roadways;

  3. maintenance and/or drainage and utility easement(s) may be required between Abutting buildings and/or through private yards of one or more Dwellings to ensure adequate access for property, drainage and utility maintenance.

  1. Where there are more than two buildings along a block face, Semi-detached Housing shall employ design elements such as varied roof lines, articulation of building facades, and variations of window and door treatments to prevent more than two identical building facades.

  1. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A.