Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

Bylaw 17832

November 28, 2016

7.      Use Definitions

Bylaw 14127

January 11, 2006

7.1      General

  1. Uses, as set out in subsections 7.2 through 7.9 inclusive, are grouped according to common functional or physical impact characteristics. 

  2. Use definitions are used to define the range of Uses, which are Permitted Uses or Discretionary Uses, within the various Zones of this Bylaw.

  3. The following guidelines shall be applied in interpreting the Use definitions:

  1. the typical purposes or activities, which may be listed in the definitions, are not intended to be exclusive or restrictive;

  2. where specific purposes or activities do not conform to any Use definition or generally conform to the wording of two or more Use definitions, the Development Officer may, at their discretion, deem that the purposes or activities conform to and are included in that Use which they consider to be the most appropriate. In such a case, the Use shall be considered a Discretionary Use, whether or not the Use is listed as a Permitted Use or Discretionary Use within the applicable Zone; and

  3. the headings such as Residential Uses or Commercial Uses do not mean that the Uses listed under these headings are permitted only in Residential or Commercial Zones of this Bylaw. Reference must be made to the lists of Permitted Uses and Discretionary Uses within each Zone.

7.2  Residential Uses

7.3  Residential-Related Uses

7.4  Commercial Uses

7.5  Industrial Uses

7.6  Agricultural and Natural Resource Development Uses

7.7  Basic Service Uses

7.8  Community, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Service Uses

7.9 Sign Uses