Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

Charter Bylaw 19275

June 23, 2020

Effective: July 2, 2020

54.8      Parking Facilities

  1. In addition to the general requirements for Vehicle Parking, the following regulations apply to an Above Ground Parkade:

  1. the design of the Above Ground Parkade shall:

  1. provide ground floor windows or wall openings along the street frontages, have active ground floor facades, or provide a minimum 3.0 m Setback from the Front property line or Flanking property line and build a pocket park in that space.

  1. in addition to 54.8(1)(a)(i) above, in any Commercial Zone, Commercial Uses other than Vehicle Parking shall be provided at ground level along the street Frontage of an Above Ground Parkade in order to provide continuity of commercial Frontage along each block face that Abuts a public roadway, other than a Lane.

  2. not have any blank walls along the street frontages and shall screen any Above Ground Parkade above the first Storey with building Facades or public art;

  3. provide a minimum 4.0 m in Height on the ground level Storey;

  4. be located appropriately, considering surrounding land uses, adjacent public roadways, any buffers, adjacent pedestrian areas, and Site access;

  5. maintain adequate vision clearance so that motorists leaving a parking structure have a clear view of the sidewalk on either side of the exit, and so that approaching pedestrians have a clear view of any approaching vehicle;

  6. have sufficient queuing space at the entrance and exit areas so that vehicles approaching or leaving the parking structure can queue to enter/exit the traffic stream without blocking the sidewalk or impeding traffic flow on the Abutting public right of way;

  7. be reviewed in accordance with applicable statutory plans; and

  8. be reviewed by the applicable City department(s).

  1. A stand-alone Above Ground Parkade shall only be allowed in the following Zones: Arena and Entertainment District Zone (AED), Low Intensity Business Zone (CB1), General Business Zone (CB2), Commercial Mixed Business Zone (CB3), Core Commercial Arts Zone (CCA), Commercial Mixed Use Zone (CMU), Griesbach Village Centre Zone (GVC), Heritage Area Zone (HA), Jasper Avenue Main Street Commercial Zone (JAMSC), Municipal Airport Airfield Zone (MA1), Municipal Airport Business Industrial Zone (MA2), Municipal Airport General Business Zones (MA3), Marquis Entertainment District (MED), Marquis Mixed Use Transition Zone (MMUT), Marquis Main Street Zone (MMS), High Rise Apartment Zone (RA9), Urban Institutional Zone (UI), Ambleside Urban Village Commercial Zone (UVCa), Urban Warehouse Zone (UW).

  2. Notwithstanding 54.8.1(b) Above Ground Parkades shall not be located within any zone where Single Detached Housing is a permitted Use.

  1. In addition to the general requirements for Vehicle Parking, the following regulations apply to a Surface Parking Lot:

  1. the design of the Surface Parking Lot shall:

  1. be located a minimum of 3.0 m from a property line that Abuts a sidewalk;

  2. provide landscaping that both shades and screens the Parking Area

  3. provide Parking Area islands in accordance with the following::

  1. A Surface Parking Lot that contains 30 or more Vehicle Parking spaces shall incorporate landscaped open space within the Parking Area, calculated on the basis of 2.0 m2 per provided Vehicle Parking and loading space, with a minimum of one Parking Area island on the Site.

  2. A Surface Parking Lot that contains 40 or more Vehicle Parking spaces shall incorporate landscaped open space within the Parking Area, calculated on the basis of 2.0 m2 per Vehicle Parking and loading, with a minimum of two Parking Area islands on the Site.

  3. Islands within a Parking Area shall be placed to provide visual relief, to assist vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and to organize large areas of Vehicle Parking into smaller courts, and shall be Landscaped in accordance with Section 55.3 - General Planting Requirements.

  1. A Surface Parking Lot that is wholly not associated with a principal Use shall only be allowed in the following Zones: Low Intensity Business Zone (CB1), General Business Zone (CB2), Griesbach Village Centre Zone (GVC), Municipal Airport Airfield Zone (MA1), Municipal Airport Business Industrial Zone (MA2), Municipal Airport General Business Zones (MA3), Marquis Entertainment District (MED), Marquis Mixed Use Transition Zone (MMUT), Ambleside Urban Village Commercial Zone (UVCa).

Charter Bylaw 19737

June 23, 2021

  1. A Surface Parking Lot shall be fully associated with the principal Use where the principal Use is Single Detached Housing, Duplex Housing or Semi-Detached Housing.

  2. In addition to the general requirements for Vehicle Parking, the following regulations apply to an Underground Parkade:

  1. When an Underground Parkade Abuts a Treed Landscaped Boulevard, the Development Officer shall request information about the protection of the root system of adjacent trees and, in consultation with the applicable City Department, shall apply conditions to the approval of the Development Permit to protect Treed Landscaped Boulevards.

  2. The design of an Underground Parkade shall:

  1. maintain adequate vision clearance so that motorists leaving a parking structure have a clear view of the sidewalk on either side of the exit, and so that approaching pedestrians have a clear view of any approaching vehicle; and

  2. have sufficient queuing space at the entrance and exit areas so that vehicles approaching or leaving the parking structure can queue to enter/exit the traffic stream without blocking the sidewalk or impeding traffic flow on the Abutting public right of way; and

  3. be reviewed by the applicable City department(s).