Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

850.     Industrial Plan Overlays

850.1      General Purpose

The purpose of this Overlay is to provide a means to alter Use and to alter or specify regulations for Uses and Use activities, in order to achieve the local planning objectives of an Industrial Statutory Plan.

850.2      Application

  1. This Overlay shall only be applied to Zones, Uses, Use activities or geographic areas where specified in an Industrial Statutory Plan.

  2. This Overlay shall only be applied, through an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw, in the form of a schedule to this Overlay, which shall include:

  1. the name of the applicable Statutory Plan and its boundaries;

  2. a map at an appropriate scale, which indicates the designation, location and boundaries of each underlying Zone with altered or specified regulations, as provided for by this Overlay; and

  3. every Use and regulation that is specified or altered by the Overlay, in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

  1. This Overlay shall not be used:

  1. to alter Part I of this Bylaw, except as provided for in this Section or to alter Part IV of this Bylaw;

  2. in conjunction with a Direct Control provision; or

  3. to allow more than one Single Detached Dwelling on a lot.

850.3       Development Regulations

  1. Where this Overlay is applied, the regulations provided in its schedules shall be substituted for the specified regulations of the underlying Zone. Where there appears to be a conflict between the provisions of this Overlay and those of the underlying Zone, the provisions of this Overlay shall take precedence and effect.

  2. Where an Overlay for a Sub-Area Plan or Industrial Statutory Plan is applied, the regulations provided in its schedules shall replace those of the underlying Zone. Where the direction provided in a Sub-Area Plan departs from or enhances the direction, regarding Use or regulations as directed by the Industrial Statutory Plan, the appropriate substitution of specific regulations shall occur.

  3. A schedule to this Overlay may establish development classes, may change or specify regulations and submission requirements and may specify the conditions under which such altered or specified regulations would apply, and, without limiting the generality of this clause, may include:

  1. regulations pertaining to environmental considerations, which may include such things as geotechnical, flood protection, noise or emissions attenuation and servicing requirements;

  2. regulations pertaining to application requirements, public consultation or notification;

  3. regulations pertaining to parking and signage requirements;

  4. regulations pertaining to Landscaping, screening, architectural and Site design requirements; and

  5. regulations pertaining to Accessory Uses, activities or Structures.

Bylaw 16859

June 24, 2014

  1. Notwithstanding clause (1), above, the provisions of the Floodplain Protection Overlay shall take precedence over the provisions of this Overlay.