Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

Charter Bylaw 18673

March 11, 2019

1000.13 (IBES) Industrial Business Edmonton South Zone

1)            General Purpose

The purpose of this Zone is to allow for Development of a wide array of business/corporate offices, retail/commercial operations, entertainment facilities/complexes, and high standard accommodations. All of the uses found within the Industrial Business Zone will operate in such a way as to create no disturbances outside of the enclosed Buildings and to be compatible with all adjacent land uses.


2)            Permitted Uses

  1. Accessory Building < 200.0 m2 (2,152.8 ft2)

  2. Business Office

  3. Broadcast Film Studio

  4. Cannabis Accessory Store

  5. Cannabis Production Facility

  6. Cannabis Retail Store

  7. Cannabis Storage & Distribution Facility

  8. Commercial Retail Service

  9. Cultural Facility

  10. Drive-in food services

  11. Financial Services

  12. Hotel

  13. Information Service

  14. Institutional Use

  15. Liquor Sales

  16. Motel

  17. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Service

  18. Recreation, Indoor

  19. Restaurant

  20. Utility Service, Minor

3)            Discretionary Uses

  1. Accessory Building > 200.0 m2 (2,152.8 ft2)

  2. Amusement Entertainment Service, Indoor

  3. Automotive Sales and Service

  4. Animal Care Service

  5. Casino/Gambling Establishment

  6. Child Care Facility      

  7. Commercial Greenhouse

  8. Commercial Storage

  9. Contractor Service, Indoor

  10. Drinking Establishment

  11. Frame & Fabric Structure       

  12. Funeral Service

  13. Gas Bar

  14. Kennel

  15. Manufacturing, Light

  16. Manufacturing, Limited Indoor

  17. Night Club

  18. Park

  19. Personal and Health Care Service

  20. Protective and Emergency Services

  21. Recreation, Outdoor

  22. Recycling Depot, Indoor

  23. Religious Assembly

  24. Schools, Commercial

  25. Security Suite

  26. Service Station, Major

  27. Sign

bb.   Warehousing and Storage, Indoor

cc.   Warehousing and Storage, Limited

dd.   Warehouse Sales

4)            Development Regulations

  1. Minimum Building Setbacks Shall be in accordance with Table 1:

  2. Table 1: Minimum Building Setback Requirements

    From the property line:

    Any Building or Structure

    Road, Highway – Front/Side/Rear 7.5 m  
    Road, Arterial – Front/Side/Rear 7.5 m   
    Road, Internal/Service or Street – Front/Side/Rear 7.5 m  
    Other Lots
    Side (Abutting a non- residential district) 0.0 m
    - Side (abutting a residential district) 15 m – for a single storey or 30 m – for multi-storey
    - Rear 1.2 m

    Building Height

The maximum height of any building or structure located in the vicinity of an airport shall be determined by the limits as described in the Edmonton International Airport Zoning Regulations (CRC, c81), and shall be subject to the approval of Transportation Canada and NAV Canada

The maximum Height of any Building or structure not located in the vicinity of an airport Shall not exceed 6 storeys.

  1. All lands within the Industrial Business Zone Shall have a Landscaped Area. A Landscaping plan Shall be provided for all Developments in accordance with Section 1000.5(5).

  2. Within this Zone, Landscaped Area shall be defined as the following:

  1. All Front Yards and Side Yards adjacent to a road to a minimum depth of 6 metres.

  2. All minimum required Side Yards between the front and rear of a Principal Building where they are not used for vehicular circulation.

  1. Landscaping Shall comply with the following:

  1. Xeriscaping Landscaping techniques Shall be encouraged to reduce watering requirements.

  2. Vegetation utilized for Landscaping Shall be hardy to the central Alberta climate, as determined by the Development Officer.

  3. In Landscaped Areas, trees must be planted in clusters, double rows or triangles instead of as a single tree row, and must be spaced in accordance with recognized horticultural practice.

  4. In the vicinity of an airport, landscaping is to minimize attractants to birds and wildlife that may affect safe airport operations.

  5. In the vicinity of an airport, traffic/automobile lights, traffic control devices, street lighting and building lighting shall not interfere with the operation of any airport function.

  6. The combined Site Coverage by Principal and Accessory Buildings Shall not exceed 80% of the Site.

  7. No Outdoor Storage Shall be permitted in an Industrial Business.

  8. Architectural treatment of Building façade Shall include design elements that reduce the perceived mass of the Building and add architectural interest.

  9. Blank walls (i.e. that have no opening) facing public streets are not permitted.

  10. Principal Building entrances shall be clearly articulated and linked to any pedestrian walkway systems.

  11. In multi-building complexes, a consistent architectural concept Shall be maintained through the use of complementary Building design, material and colours.

  12. Pre-engineered Principal Buildings of non-permanent/not durable materials Shall not be permitted.

  13. Parking Shall be encouraged to be provided underground and/or at the side or rear of Principal Buildings.

  14. On-site parking, loading and unloading areas Shall be hard-surfaced. Loading and unloading areas Shall be located only at the side or rear of the Principal Building, and screened from view from any public roadway.

  15. Roof-top mechanical equipment and mechanical penthouses Shall be screened from view.

  16. Any applicant for a development or building permit shall submit evidence that proposed work involving outdoor lighting fixtures complies with the principles of dark sky lighting as outlined by the International Dark Sky Association. The submission shall include, but may not be limited to:

  1. Plans indicating the location on the premises, and the type of illuminating devices, fixtures, lamps, supports, reflectors, and other devices.

  2. Description of the illuminating devices, fixtures, lamps, supports, reflectors, and other devices and the description may include, but is not limited to, catalog cut sheets by manufacturers and drawings (including sections where required).

  3. Photometric data, such as that furnished by manufacturers, or similar showing the angle of cutoff or light emissions. Photometric data need not be submitted when the full cutoff performance of the fixture is obvious to the reviewing official.

  1. When submittal includes a statement by a registered design professional that the design is in accordance with this bylaw, the requirements of sub-sections 1000.13(4)(p)(i) and 1000.13(4)(p)(ii) shall not apply.

  2. Bottom mounted outdoor advertising sign lighting shall be prohibited.

  3. Bottom mounted outdoor accent lighting shall be prohibited.

  4. Whenever possible outdoor lighting shall be shielded or utilize full cutoff light fixtures. 

  5. The total amount of outdoor illumination on any site shall not exceed:

  1. In commercial or industrial areas 200,000 total lumens per acre with 12,000 unshielded lumens;

  2. In residential areas 55,000 total lumens per acre with 12,000 unshielded lumens.

  1. Pedestrian circulation Shall be clearly marked through paving and lighting treatments.

  2. All pedestrian pathways Shall link between building entrances, street sidewalks, future transit stops/stations, trail systems, and parking Areas.

  3. Shared Lot access Shall be encouraged in an Industrial Business Edmonton South (IBES) Zone and Shall be secured with access agreements.

  4. Adjacent parking areas on adjacent Lots May connect to one another in order to facilitate off street vehicular movement from one development to the next.

  5. Lot configuration and associated Buildings Shall have designs that consider the natural environment including, but not limited to:

  1. Passive solar energy;

  2. Wind protection for adjacent trails and public open spaces;

  3. Use of captured rainwater for landscape maintenance; or

  4. Landscaping for passive cooling

  1. Page wire and barbed wire fences Shall not be permitted.

bb.     Trash enclosures, loading docks, mechanical equipment and other service elements Shall be located away and not visible from Street or perimeter walkway view.

cc.     The design, placement and scale of all Signs Shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer so as to ensure that the signage does not detract from the overall appearance of the Development and is not obtrusive, having regard to the scale of the Buildings on the Site and the distance of the Building Setback.

dd.     A minimum Setback of 5 m (16.4 ft.) must be maintained from a Highway right-of-way for Free Standing Permanent Signs.

ee.     Business identification Signs visible from a Highway travel lanes, whether free standing or located on Building facades, should be similar as to the proportion, construction material and placement as those located elsewhere throughout the Corridor segment.

ff.     A Development Shall carry out its operations such that no nuisance factor is created or apparent outside an enclosed Building. Nuisance factors include excessive noise, vibration, odour, unsightliness, liquid or gaseous emanations, reflection, dust, and the harbouring of restricted or noxious weeds.

gg.    Vacant, undeveloped, or unused portions of a Site Shall be maintained in grass, Landscaping materials or such other ground cover as deemed appropriate by the Development Officer.

hh.    All Developments Shall be serviced with the most up-to-date telecommunications technologies available at time of construction.

ii.     Within the vicinity of an airport, developments that include characteristics which increase wildlife and bird hazards to the airport are prohibited.

jj.     Any development within the defined AVPA boundary must comply with the AVPA regulations.

kk.    Performance based insulation required for commercial developments are required in developments located within the AVPA boundaries.