Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

53.        Access to Sites

Bylaw 16032

March 12, 2012

  1. All access locations and curb crossings shall require the approval of Transportation Services.

Bylaw 15634

September 26, 2011

  1. No person shall construct an access or egress for vehicles from a Site to a public roadway, if the public roadway, in the opinion of Transportation Services, carries or shall carry a heavy traffic volume or such access or egress would create an unnecessary traffic hazard, unless there is no other practical method of vehicular access to the Site and a turning space is provided on the Site connected to the access or egress, so that every vehicle leaving the Site by the egress shall face the public roadway which the access or egress enters.

Bylaw 16032

March 12, 2012

  1. Where the Site Abuts a Lane, vehicular access to the loading space shall be provided from the Lane unless otherwise authorized by Transportation Services.