A Religious Assembly shall comply with the following special provisions:
the minimum Frontage shall be 30.0 m and the minimum Site area shall be 930 m2;
where a manse, rectory, parsonage or other building for a minister's residence is to be erected on the same Site as the Religious Assembly, the minimum Site area shall be 1 300 m2;
where the a Religious Assembly is to be developed on a Site that is within 60.0 m of a Site zoned to allow a Single Detached Dwelling as a Permitted Use, the following regulations shall apply:
the maximum Site area shall be 4 000 m2;
the maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 40%;
a minimum building Setback of 4.5 m shall be required along a Side Yard flanking an Abutting Site Zoned Residential;
a minimum building Setback of 7.5 m along a Rear Yard shall be required where the Rear or Side Lot Line of the Site Abuts the lot line of a Site in a Residential Zone or is not separated from it by a public roadway more than 10.0 m wide;
Bylaw 15735
June 20, 2011
a minimum building Setback of 6.0 m shall be required along a Front Yard separated by a public roadway not wider than 20.0 m from any Site zoned residential. Where the roadway is wider than 20.0 m, the Front Setback applicable in the relevant Zone shall apply;
vehicular access to on-site parking and loading spaces shall be provided from an Abutting arterial or collector roadway, except that the Development Officer may allow access from a public roadway including a Lane in accordance with the following guidelines:
access may be allowed from a local roadway that does not Abut another Site zoned to allow a Single Detached Dwelling as a Permitted Use, provided such access shall not interfere with access to other Sites Abutting the roadway and shall not direct excess traffic onto a local roadway;
access may be allowed from a Lane that does not Abut another Site zoned to allow a Single Detached Dwelling as a Permitted Use, provided such access shall not interfere with access to other Abutting Sites and shall not direct excess traffic onto a local residential roadway; and
access to a maximum of five parking spaces may be allowed from a Lane that Abuts a Site zoned to allow a Single Detached Dwelling as a Permitted Use.
Where a Religious Assembly is a Discretionary Use, the Development Officer may impose conditions intended to reduce the perceived mass of the structure through techniques including, but not limited to, increased Setbacks, articulation of elevations and rooflines, and the colour of finishing materials.