Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

Charter Bylaw 18613

November 26, 2018

82.       Residential Sales Centres

Bylaw 17831

November 28, 2016



The following regulations shall apply to all Residential Sales Centres except those developments provided for in subsections 12.2(1)(j) and 12.2(1)(q) of this Bylaw:

  1. Residential Sales Centres shall be a Temporary Development. The Development Permit for a Residential Sales Centre shall be valid for such a period of time as specified by the Development Officer having regard for the amount of land or development being marketed, but in no case shall the time period exceed three years.

  2. Sites containing Residential Sales Centres shall be located and developed such that their impacts on local roadways and surrounding residential development are minimized. In deciding upon an application, the Development Officer shall take into consideration the scale of the Residential Sales Centre, its proximity to arterial or neighbourhood collector roadways, and to occupied residential development.

Bylaw 16591

September 16, 2013


  1. Where a Site is located within 60.0 m of existing development, the applicant shall demonstrate that sufficient parking is available on or adjacent to the Site so that parking congestion shall not develop on that portion of local streets serving existing development in the vicinity of the Residential Sales Centre.

  1. The Setbacks for Residential Sales Centre buildings shall comply with the regulations of the Zone applying to the Site except that:

  1. in the case of a temporary structure located on a Site zoned DC1 or DC2, the location of the building shall be Setback to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; and

  2. the Development Officer may attach conditions requiring additional Setbacks to minimize any adverse impacts on adjacent development.

  1. In the case of a temporary structure, the Height of the building including any hoardings or false fronts shall not exceed 10.0 m, or the maximum Height of the Zone and any applicable Overlay, whichever is less.

Bylaw 16032

March 12, 2012

  1. All curb crossings and access points shall be designed and located so as to minimize on-site and off-site traffic impacts and, in consultation with Transportation Services.

  2. Where a Site is located within a Residential Zone or is visible from residential development located within 60.0 m of the Site, the colour and material of the exterior finish of the temporary structure and hoardings or false fronts, excluding advertising Copy, shall be compatible with those commonly found in Residential Zones.

  3. Any exterior lighting shall be developed in accordance with Section 51 of this Bylaw.  

Bylaw 17672

June 27, 2016

  1. Notwithstanding Section 55, Landscaping shall not be required for a Residential Sales Centre.

  2. A Development Application for a Residential Sales Centre shall be accompanied by the following information in addition to the information required by subsection 13.3 of this Bylaw:

  1. a context plan identifying the nature of the Uses and development within a 60.0 m radius of the proposed Site;

  2. a description of the exterior finish materials and colours for any temporary sales structure including any proposed hoardings or false fronts;

  3. drawings showing the location, area, Height, construction material, colour and method of support for any proposed on-site identification and advertising Signs, including any advertising or supergraphics that shall be displayed on a hoarding or false front; and

  4. drawings showing the area, Height, construction materials and method of support for any proposed off-site Directional Signs that shall exceed 1.0 m2 in area 1.5 m in Height, and a description of the proposed location for the Signs.