Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

89.        Food and Beverage, Hotel and Entertainment Uses

  1. Any application for a Development Permit for a Hotel, an Indoor Participant Recreation Service, a Neighbourhood Pub and Bar, a Nightclub, a Motel, a Private Club, a Spectator Entertainment Establishment, or any combination thereof, where parking is required pursuant to subsection 54.2, Schedule 1 of this Bylaw for combined seating and/or occupancy by 500 patrons or more, and where the full provision of such parking is not provided for in the application, shall include a comprehensive Parking Demand Study. This Study shall contain, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. design of the proposed development;

  2. the parking requirements of all Uses within the development in accordance with the standards identified in Schedule 1 to Section 54 of this Bylaw;

  3. the amount and location of parking available on the Site and available on nearby Sites; and

  4. the means by which sufficient parking and circulation are to be provided for the proposed development, if not fully available on site.

Bylaw 16032

March 12, 2012

  1. The Development Officer shall review such a Parking Demand Study, in consultation with Transportation Services, in order to determine the appropriate number and location of parking spaces for the development. This number may be higher or lower than the standard identified for parking in Section 54.2, Schedule 1 of this Bylaw, at the discretion of the Development Officer, based on the individual circumstances of the application, such as excessive demand for parking during certain hours, the staggered hours of operation of some Uses on the Site, which may allow complementary use of parking stalls, or the availability of guaranteed off site parking.