Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800

92.        Live Work Units

Bylaw 16224

September 10, 2012

Live Work Units shall comply with the following regulations:

  1. The Dwelling and work components of the Live Work Unit shall not be legally separated through a subdivision or condominium conversion.

  2. There shall be internal access between the Dwelling and the work components of the Live Work Unit.

  3. The Dwelling associated with a Live Work Unit shall not contain a Minor Home Based Business or a Major Home Based Business.

Charter Bylaw 18381

May 7, 2018

  1. For Live Work Units located at ground level, the Live Work Unit shall contribute to the pedestrian-oriented character of the street or immediate area.

  2. Neither the Dwelling nor the work component of the Live Work Unit shall be less than 25% of the total floor space of the Live Work Unit.

  3. Parking shall be provided based upon the activities to be conducted within the Live Work Unit, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and in consultation with Transportation Services.

  4. The work component of a Live Work Unit shall be limited to:

  1. Personal Service Shops,

  2. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services,

  3. Creation and Production Establishments, and

  4. Health Services.