Crystallina Nera West and Crystallina Nera East



Bylaw 18632

March 12, 2019

west of 66 Street NW and south of Anthony Henday Drive

1.        General Purpose

The purpose of this Zone is to allow for zero lot line with front drive access of a collector roadway, and to provide the opportunity for more efficient utilization of land through increased Density of Single Detached Housing by reducing one Side Setback to zero metres.

2.        Area of Application

This provision shall apply to a portion of Lot 3, Bloc 1, Plan 172 0306 located west of 66 Street NW and south of Anthony Henday Drive and to a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 112 3855 located west of 82 Street NW and south of Anthony Henday Drive, as shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision, Crystallina Nera East and Crystallina Nera West.

3.       Uses

  1. Limited Group Home

  2. Minor Home Based Business

  3. Residential Sales Centre

  4. Secondary Suite

  5. Single Detached Housing

  6. Urban Gardens

  7. Fascia On-premises Signs

4.       Development Regulations

  1. The minimum Site Area shall be 240 m2.

  2. The minimum Site Width shall be 7.6 m. In this Zone, the Site Width on pie shaped lots shall be measured 9.0 m into the Site from the Front Property Line.

  3. The minimum Site Depth shall be 30.0 m.

  4. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m.

  5. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 50%.

  6. The minimum Front Setback shall be 5.5 m.

  7. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except in the case of a corner Site it shall be 4.5 m.

  8. The minimum Side Setback shall be 1.5 m, except that:

  1. On a corner Site where the building faces on the Front Lot Line, the minimum Side Setback Abutting the public roadway shall be 2.4 m.

  1. One Side Setback may be reduced to 0 m where:

  1. The other Side Setback is a minimum of 1.5 m;

  2. The owner of the adjacent Site register against title, a private maintenance easement a minimum of 1.5 m wide that provides for:

  1. a 0.30 m eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves must not be closer than 0.90 m to the eaves on the adjacent building;

  2. a 0.60 m footing encroachment easement;

  3. a drainage swale, constructed as per the City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards; and

  4. permission to access the easement area for maintenance of both properties.

  1. All roof leaders shall be directed away from buildings and shall align with the drainage for the Site. The applicant shall submit a detailed drainage plan showing the proposed drainage of the Site (including a swale where required) to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Drainage Services.

  2. Single Detached Housing shall be developed in accordance with the following regulations:

  1. All Dwellings shall include a front attached Garage;

  2. Identical or mirrored front elevations shall not be located on Abutting Sites. Development shall be differentiated through the inclusion of two or more design elements such as a variety of finishing materials, varied roof lines, differences in the design of entry features, or variation in window and door placement. Variations in color do not satisfy this requirement;

  3. A graduated transition between bungalow and two Storey designs is required for Abutting Lots. The transition may include varied roof lines, architectural projections or the interjection of bi-level or split-level designs; and

  4. Dwellings on Corner Sites shall have flanking side treatments similar to the front elevation.

  1. Separation Space shall not be required:

  1. Between Dwellings where a minimum Side Setback of 1.5 m has been provided on the Abutting Site, and

  2. Where side walls of Abutting buildings face each other and Habitable Room windows are not located directly opposite each other, such that privacy is not impacted.

  1. Garage and Parking Areas for Sites with Side Setbacks less than 1.5 m, including Sites where one Side Setback is reduced to zero, shall not encroach on the private maintenance easement, the eave may encroach by 0.30 m within the 1.5 m easement.

  2. A maximum of one Single Detached House and one Secondary Suite shall be allowed per Lot.

  3. Signs shall be in accordance with Schedule 59A of the Zoning Bylaw.

  4. The minimum Site area for Secondary Suites shall be 240m2.

DC1.18632 Sch A