Charter Bylaw 19743

June 23, 2021


(Area B)

1.        General Purpose


The purpose of this Zone is to provide for a mix of low density housing types including Single Detached and Semi-detached housing with reduced side setbacks.


2.        Area of Application


This Provision shall apply to a portion of Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 1723270; Lots 5 to 25, Block 6, Plan 2021784; and Lots 16 to 30, Block 7, Plan 2021784 as shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this provision, Keswick.











Garden Suite



Major Home Based Business



Minor Home Based Business



Residential Sales Centre



Secondary Suite



Semi-detached Housing



Single Detached Housing



Supportive Housing, restricted to Limited Supportive Housing



Urban Gardens



Urban Outdoor Farms



Urban Gardens



Fascia On-premises Signs



Temporary On-premises Signs

4.        Development Regulations


  1. The minimum Site Area per principal Dwelling shall be in accordance with Table 1 as follows:


Table 1 - Minimum Site Area, per principal Dwelling


Primary vehicular access is not from a Lane

Primary vehicular access is from a Lane

i. Single Detached Housing

225 m2

225 m2

ii. Single Detached Housing - Reduced Side Setback or Zero Lot Line Development



219 m2



201 m2

iii. Semi-detached Housing

183 m2

183 m2

iv. Semi-detached Housing - Reduced Side Setback or Zero Lot Line Development



165 m2



165 m2



  1. The maximum Site Coverage shall be in accordance with Table 2 as follows:


Table 2 - Maximum Site Coverage


Total Maximum Site Coverage

Principle Building

Accessory Building

Principal building with attached Garage

i. Single Detached Housing





ii. Single Detached Housing - Reduced Side Setback or Zero Lot Line Development





iii. Semi-detached Housing





iv. Semi-detached Housing - Reduced Side Setback or Zero Lot Line Development





  1. The minimum Site Width per principal Dwelling shall be in accordance with Table 3 as follows:


Table 3 - Minimum Site Width, per principal Dwelling


Primary vehicular access is not from a Lane

Primary vehicular access is from a Lane

i. Single Detached Housing

7.5 m

7.5 m

ii. Single Detached Housing - Reduced Side Setback or Zero Lot Line Development



7.3 m



6.7 m

iii. Semi-detached Housing

6.1 m

6.1 m

iv. Semi-detached Housing - Reduced Side Setback or Zero Lot Line Development



5.5 m



5.5 m



  1. For Single Detached Housing and Semi-detached Housing, the Site Width on pie shaped lots shall be measured 9.0 m into the Site from the Front Lot Line.

  2. The minimum Site Depth shall be 30 m.

  3. The Front Setback shall be:

    1. a minimum of 4.5 m, where primary vehicular access to off-street parking is provided to the rear or flanking part of the Lot, except that it shall be:

    1. a minimum of 3.0 m where a Treed Landscaped Boulevard is provided along the Front Lot Line of the Site; and

    2. a minimum of 5.5 m where primary vehicular access to off-street parking is provided to the front of the Lot, including when a front attached Garage forms an integral part of the Dwelling.

  4. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except in the case of a Corner Site, the minimum Rear Setback shall be 4.5 m.

  5. The minimum Side Setback shall be 1.2 m, except that:

    1. One Side Setback may be reduced to 0.6 m provided that:

    1. the Setback of the adjacent Lot Abutting the reduced Setback is a minimum of 1.2 m;

    2. a private maintenance easement a minimum of 0.6 m in width shall be provided and registered on title of the Lot with the reduced Setback and the Lot Abutting the reduced Setback to ensure adequate access to the easement area for maintenance of the adjacent property;

    3. eaves shall be a minimum of 0.30 m from the property line and eaves must be no closer than 0.90 m to the eaves of the building on an adjacent lot Abutting the reduced Side Setback;

    4. Fences, walls and gates shall not be permitted within the Side Yard or on the Lot Line Abutting the Side Yard, except where the Side Yard Abuts a public roadway other than a Lane; and

    5. all roof leaders from the Dwelling with the reduced Side Setback are connected to the individual storm sewer service for each Lot.

    1. Zero Lot Line Development shall be permitted where:

    1. The other Site Side Setback is a minimum of 1.5m;

    2. all roof leaders from the Dwelling are connected to the individual storm sewer service for each Lot;

    3. no roof leader discharge shall be directed to the maintenance easement; and

    4. the owner of a Lot proposed for the Zero Lot Line Development and the owner of the adjacent Lot shall register, on title for both adjacent lots, a 1.5m private maintenance easement that provides for:

      1. a 0.30 m eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves must not be closer than 0.90 m to the eaves of the building on an adjacent parcel;

      2. a 0.60 m footing encroachment easement;

      3. permission to access the easement area for maintenance of the properties; and

      4. a drainage swale constructed to City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards.

  6. On a Corner Site where the principal building faces the Front Lot Line, the minimum Side Setback Abutting the flanking public roadway other than a Lane shall be 2.4 m;

  7. On a Corner Site where the principal building faces the flanking Side Lot Line the minimum Side Setback Abutting the flanking public roadway other than a Lane shall be 4.5 m, except the flanking Side Setback may be reduced to 3.0 m where abutting a Treed Landscaped Boulevard; and

  8. The minimum distance between the Side Lot Line Abutting a public roadway other than a Lane and a Garage door facing the flanking public roadway shall be 4.5 m.

  9. The owner of the Site proposed for the Zero Lot Line Development shall register a utility easement(s) on, where necessary as determined by the Development Officer, all Lots within the Zero Lot Line Development and the Abutting Lots to ensure adequate access for utility maintenance.

  10. For Sites proposed for a Zero Lot Line Development of Semi-detached Housing, the owner of the Site proposed for the Zero Lot Line Development shall register on all titles within the Zero Lot Line Development Site as well as all titles on the Site adjacent to the reduced Side Setback Lot Linea restrictive covenant and easement that provides for the protection of drainage of the Site, including the right for water to flow across Lots and the requirement not to inhibit the flow of water across Lots.

  11. The maximum building Height shall be 10.0 m.

  12. For Semi-detached Housing, including Lots within a Zero Lot Line Development Site, an Accessory building or structure shall be located not less than 0.60 m from the Side Lot Line, except where a Garage may be erected on the common property line to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in accordance with 4(m).

  13. The Site Side Setback for a Garage in a Zero Lot Line Development may only be reduced to zero where:

    1. a  1.5  m  private  maintenance  easement  identical  to  that  registered  for  the principle building is provided;

    2. all roof leaders from Accessory buildings are connected to the individual storm sewer service for each Lot or directed to drain directly to an adjacent Lane; and

    3. no roof leader discharge shall be directed to the maintenance easement.

  14. Where vehicular access is not from the Lane, Zero Lot Line Development shall not be allowed on collector roadways and shall be restricted to only one side of a public roadway, other than a Lane.

  15. Notwithstanding clause 4(n), Zero Lot Line Development is allowed across a public roadway from the flanking Side Lot Line of another Zero Lot Line Development.

  16. On-Site parking shall be provided in accordance with the following regulations:

    1. Where a Site has primary vehicular access not from a Lane, the following regulations shall apply:

      1. a front or side attached Garage shall be provided;

      2. driveway widths shall be no wider than the width of the Garage.

    2. Where  a  Site  has  primary  vehicular  access  from  a  Lane,  the  following regulations shall apply:

      1. a Garage, or a Hardsurfaced parking pad, shall be provided;

      2.  the  minimum  distance  from  the  Rear  Lot  Line  to  a  Garage  or Hardsurfaced parking pad shall be 1.2 m;

      3. A Hardsurfaced parking pad shall be a minimum width of 4.88 m and depth of 5.5 m.

      4. a Hardsurfaced walkway between the Garage or Hardsurfaced parking pad and an entry to the Dwelling shall be provided.

  17. Where a Site Abuts a Lane at the Rear Lot Line, vehicle access shall be from the Lane.

  18. Notwithstanding clause 4(r), access may be allowed from a public roadway other than a Lane, when:

    1. a Site Abuts a Lane at the Rear Lot Line, and the additional vehicular access supports an additional principle Dwelling on the Site; or

    2. Site access from a public roadway other than a Lane will result in a consistent streetscape with Lots on the same block face that do not take access from a Lane.

  19. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw, except that it shall not be required:

    1. between a Garden Suite and the associated principal Dwelling on the same Site; or

    2. where side walls of Abutting buildings face each other and habitable windows are not located directly opposite each other, such that privacy is not impacted.

  20. Dwellings on Corner Sites shall have flanking side treatments similar to the front elevation of the principal building.

  21. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A of the Zoning Bylaw, as amended.

  22. Where the Side Setback is reduced, including for Zero Lot Line Development, the area covered by Impermeable Material shall not exceed 75 percent of the total Lot area.

19743 Schedule A