Riverdale ARP DC1 District - Site H - Little Brick House


1.         General Purpose

To provide a Direct Development Control District to retain the historic Little Brick House and to allow for potential light commercial and/or institutional uses.

2.         Area of Application

This DC1 District shall apply to Site H within The Brickyard as shown on the attached Appendix 6.

3.         Uses

The following discretionary uses may only be applied to the Little Brick House and its surrounding yard provided the house and yard are maintained:

a)       Single Detached Housing

b)       Convenience Retail Stores

c)       Professional Offices

d)       Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments

e)       Community Recreation Services

f)       Daytime Child Care Services

g)       Private Clubs

h)       Residential Sales Centre

i)        Public Education Services

j)        Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits

k)       Fascia On-premises signs

l)        Temporary On-premises signs

4.         Development Criteria

Development in this District shall comply with the following:

1)       Any development for reuse of the Little Brick House shall:

a)       preserve the original structure of the house and existing mature landscaping to the greatest extent possible;

b)       attempt to restore the structure to its original structure in the event of exterior renovations,

c)       allow for the removal of the north addition unless otherwise noted by the City Heritage Officer;

d)       ensure that any additional development of structures on site do not detract from the appearance of the original structure and mature landscaping, are of a scale that will not negatively impact on adjacent residential properties, and are subject to review by the City Heritage Officer; and

e)       allow parking associated with uses to be provided on-site without necessarily meeting the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw. The siting and development of parking must not detract from the original structure and mature landscaping on site, and will be subject to review by the City Heritage Officer.

2)       The minimum site area shall be 895 m2.

3)       the minimum site width shall be 20 m;

4)       the minimum site depth shall be 27.5 m;

5)       The minimum Front Yard shall be 3.0 m.

7)       The minimum Rear Yard shall be 7.5 m.

8)       The minimum Side Yard shall be 1.5 m.

9)       The maximum height shall not exceed 10 m (32.8 ft.) nor 2 ½ storeys.

10)     The maximum total site coverage shall not exceed 45% with a maximum of 35% for a principal building, a maximum site coverage of 15% for accessory buildings.  Where a garage is designed as an integral part of the dwelling, the maximum site coverage for the principal building shall be 45%.

11)     Signs shall comply with the regulations contained in Schedule 59A of the Zoning Bylaw.
