Part IV Edmonton Zoning Bylaw

Section DC2.986

Bylaw 18271

February 12, 2018


DC2.986.1.            General Purpose

To accommodate the comprehensive redevelopment of an underutilized brownfield site into a mixed use development including a hotel, an apartment hotel, office buildings, exhibition and convention facilities and complementary uses that will enhance a major south entrance to Alberta’s Capital City and be a catalyst for development in the area. The development will consist of high rise Towers set back on low-rise podiums, stepped-back and articulated architecture, active building frontages and integration of public and private interfaces. The site may be used for a temporary storage use with appropriate landscaping for a period limited to three years (2021).

DC2.986.2.           Area of Application

This Provision shall apply to the 2.34 hectare (5.78 acres site) legally identified as Lots 2 and 3, Block 28, Plan 7620205, at 4607 Calgary Trail NW and 4710 Gateway Boulevard NW, in the neighbourhood of Calgary Trail North, as shown on Bylaw Schedule “A”.

DC2.986.3.           Uses

  1. Apartment Hotels

  2. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs and only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels or Hotels

  3. Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios, only as an ancillary use to Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  4. Business Support Services, only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels, Hotels, or Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  5. Convenience Retail Stores, only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels, Exhibition and Convention Facilities, Hotels, or Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  6. Convenience Vehicle Rentals, only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels or Hotels

  7. Hotels

  8. Minor Alcohol Sales, only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels or Hotels

  9. Minor Amusement Establishments, only as an ancillary use to a Restaurant

  10. Nightclubs and only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels or Hotels

  11. Personal Service Shops, only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels, Hotels, or Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  12. Professional, Financial, and Office Support Services

  13. Restaurants and only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels, Exhibition and Convention Facilities, Hotels, or Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  14. Specialty Food Services, and only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels, Exhibition and Convention Facilities, Hotels, or Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  15. Government Services, only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels, Exhibition and Convention Facilities, Hotels, or Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  16. Exhibition and Convention Facilities

  17. Indoor Participant Recreation Services, only as an ancillary use to Apartment Hotels, Exhibition and Convention Facilities, Hotels, or Professional, Financial and Office Support Services

  18. Temporary Storage

  19. Fascia On-Premises Signs

  20. Freestanding On-premises Signs

  21. Projecting On-premises Signs

  22. Temporary On-premises Signs

  23. Freestanding Off-premises Signs

DC2.986.4.           Special Considerations for Specific Uses

  1. Apartment Hotels, shall have cumulative maximum of 325 units in total for the development.

  2. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs, shall be for less than 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space.

  3. Hotels, shall be up to a cumulative maximum of 400 units in total for the development.

  4. Nightclubs, shall be for less than 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space.

  5. Professional, Financial, and Office Support Services, shall have a cumulative maximum of 23,000 m2 in total for the development.

  6. Restaurants, shall be for less than 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space.

  7. Specialty Food Services, shall be for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space.

  8. Exhibition and Convention Facilities, shall have a cumulative maximum gross Floor Area of 12,300 m2 in total for the development

DC2.986.5.           Organization of Sections

The following sections are organized with an Intent Statement followed by Development Regulations:

Intent: A statement explaining the design purpose of the development regulations.  The intent should be used to help interpret the application of a development regulation in a specific situation.  In cases where special conditions arise that are not specifically addressed by the development regulation, the intent statement should serve as the basis for determining the appropriateness of the proposed design

Development Regulation: A statement representing the baseline requirement of the development. Development Regulations are mandatory statements, indicated by the use of shall in the language.

DC2.986.6.           Development Concept and Staging


The proposed design and its future staged implementation aim at encouraging creativity and diversity of architecture and site design within a coherent environmental design, to protect access to sunlight, to preserve desirable views and to define and reinforce the development as a landmark in Alberta’s Capital City.

  1. Development Concept

  1. The Development Concept shall represent a multi-purpose building complex using urban design techniques of applying high-rise Towers set back on low-rise podiums, stepped-back and articulated architecture, active building frontages and integration of public and private interfaces. The following graphic representations, Figures 1 and 2 provide a possible conceptual application of the Development Concept.


Figure 1: Conceptual podium-outline showing how the Tower would be set back on the podium

Figure 2: Illustrative west elevation showing the potential Tower form and podium details

  1. Development Staging

  1. Development Permit applications for this site shall be permitted to proceed as individual or as a combination of stages. 

  2. A stage of the development shall include at least one “anchor” land use and may include several associated ancillary land use classes.  Within each stage there may be a number of development permit applications. Additions to a stage may be allowed at the discretion of the Development Officer.

  3. There shall be a maximum of four principal “anchor” land uses: Apartment Hotels, Hotels, Professional Financial, and Office Support Services and Exhibition and Convention Facilities.  All other land use classes shall be ancillary to the four anchor land uses, or as otherwise directed in Section 3 of this DC2 Provision.

  4. Notwithstanding Section 720.3 (2) of the Zoning Bylaw, no Site Plan is appended to this Provision.

  5. For context and Development Officer’s interpretation purposes, a generalized, non-binding, interim Site Plan for the entire site shall be submitted at each Development Permit stage to illustrate how the proposed development will integrate with existing and future on-site development, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.  Site Plans shall outline the boundary of the stage.

  6. An interim Landscape Plan for the entire site shall be submitted with the first Development Permit application to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  7. Each stage of the development shall respect the intent of the overall development concept, addressing all Facades with appropriate architectural treatment.  All Façades whether final or part of a staging shall appear finished.

  8. Upon submission of a Development Permit application for a new stage, the applicant shall submit a Traffic Impact Assessment to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the Transportation Department.

DC2.986.7.           General Development Regulations


The following development regulations are intended to promote the design of an urban environment that is built to human scale and to encourage attractive and unified street frontage and other connecting Walkways that accommodate pedestrians as the first priority, while also accommodating vehicular movement.

  1. Site Planning and Building Form

  1. The building form for the whole development shall be a multi-level structure organized so that it can accommodate Towers on a podium structure.  If the maximum development standards are not achieved, the general proportion of the development concept shall be preserved.

  2. The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall not exceed 4.0, with a maximum of 25% of the FAR being dedicated to structured parking for the full build out of the development.

  3. The following land uses shall have a cumulative maximum of 4,700 m2 of gross Floor Area for the entire development:

  1. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs

  2. Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios

  3. Business Support Services

  4. Convenience Retail Stores

  5. Convenience Vehicle Rentals

  6. Minor Alcohol Sales

  7. Minor Amusement Establishments

  8. Nightclubs

  9. Personal Service Shops

  10. Government Services

  11. Indoor Participant Recreation Services

  1. The following land use classes shall have a cumulative maximum of 2,200 m2 of gross Floor Area for the entire development:

  1. Restaurants

  2. Specialty Food Services

  1. Notwithstanding Section 3, the total cumulative maximum units for Apartment Hotels and Hotels shall not exceed 625.

  2. Facades Abutting roadways shall contain undulating architecture.

  3. The development shall be designed so that all street corners have strong visual interest for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic with Façade articulation, in accordance with Section 6.b of this Provision. Refer to Figure 3 to 5 for visual interpretation.

  4. Prior to the issuance of any Development Permit, a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Assessment shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995).

  1. Building Placement

  1. The minimum Setback from the north, east and west property line shall be   12 m.

  2. The minimum Setback from the south property line shall be 5 m.

  3. Building Facades may encroach or project a maximum of 7 m into the minimum Setback on the north, east and west side of the development. Encroachments or projections into a required Setback shall be permitted to create an attractive streetscape and provide for various frontage types.


Figures 3 to 5: This conceptual podium outline demonstrates how a successful podium will respond to the street corners, the building access points and drop-off zones. It also demonstrates how the podium should undulate to create an appealing and interesting building Facade that is both pedestrian friendly and visually appealing from the streets.



DC2.986.8.           Massing and Building Articulation


Massing and building articulation design aim at creating building edges that are appropriate for human interaction, with a visually pleasing streetscape. Tower development is to be designed so as not to have a substantial adverse impact on adjacent developments, including casting shadows on adjacent property sufficient to preclude the functional use of solar energy technology or, creating wind tunneling conditions sufficiently uncomfortable to walk by at the street level.  Further, it is expected that the architecture of the development will set an enhanced standard of quality for future projects or redevelopment in the area. The development will provide for a mix of uses and business types throughout distinct development stages. This poses a challenge for development regulations, thus the intent of this section is to provide tools for creating an improved quality of appearance at any stage of the development.

  1. General Massing Approach

  1. The development shall comprise of two distinct vertical zones: Podium and Tower.

  2. The distinct nature of the Podium and Tower zones shall be integrated through step backs in the building mass and/or through the architectural treatment of the Façades.

  3. Design techniques such as articulation of Façades and/or variation of finishing materials, shall be applied to break up the massing and achieve visual interest of the development. Refer to Figure 6 for visual interpretation.

  4. Horizontal masses shall provide variations that include a change in Height and/or projecting or recessed elements.

  5. Changes in mass shall relate to entrances, the integral structure and/or the organization of interior spaces and activities.

  6. The Tower zone shall be differentiated from the Podium zone.  Each zone, while distinct, shall relate and support the character of the overall development.

  7. No wall that faces a street or Walkway shall have a blank, uninterrupted length exceeding 20 m without including at least two (2) of the following: change in plane, change in texture or masonry pattern, windows, or similar elements that subdivide the wall proportionately.

Figure 6: This conceptual podium outline shows a Facade that has been divided into various horizontal and vertical elements resulting in an active and interesting Facade.

  1. Architectural Control

  1. Exterior finishes with high quality materials shall be implemented in a manner that promotes harmony in terms of overall project design and appearance. 

  2. Building materials shall not create excessive glare that would create a significant adverse impacts in terms of vehicular safety, outdoor activities and enjoyment of views.

  3. Compatibility within the individual features of the development shall be achieved through techniques that may include, but not limited to, the repetition of roof lines, the use of similar proportions in building mass and outdoor spaces, similar relationships to the street, similar window and door patterns, or the use of building materials that have color shades and textures similar to those existing within the development. 

  4. All development on the site shall be constructed using similar architectural themes. An exception may be made to this general requirement where the function of an individual business dictates a specific style or image associated with a company.  In such cases, the development shall maintain harmony in terms of the overall project.

  5. Building Facades adjacent to streets shall include at least one of the following:

  1. forecourt;

  2. shopfront;

  3. gallery arcade; and/or

  4. Tower.  

  1. Podium Zone

  1. Podium main entrances shall connect with pedestrian Walkways and be designed to meet visitability and universal design standards as per the Barrier Free Design Guide published by The Safety Codes Council (Alberta) 1999.

  2. Each Podium main entrance shall have clearly defined, highly visible customer entrances which may include but not be limited to combinations of the following: canopies or porticos; overhangs; recesses/projections; arcades; raised corniced parapets over the door; or peaked roof forms.

  3. At least one (1) main entrance of any building shall face and open directly onto a connecting Walkway with pedestrian frontage.  Any building Facade which has only service doors for intermittent/infrequent non public access to equipment, storage or similar rooms shall be exempt from this regulation.

  4. The Façades at street level shall be articulated vertically and/or horizontally to respond primarily to human scale and provide for pedestrian interest and, where feasible, shelter from the elements. 

  5. Active commercial frontages shall be achieved with the provision of building entrances consistent with the development regulations above, and with glazed Facades on the ground floor that provide at least 60% transparency to the exterior.

  1. Podium Maximum Height

  1. The maximum building Height of the podium shall not exceed 24 m.

  2. Notwithstanding 8(d)(i) the maximum podium Height may be varied up to 5% to accommodate architectural features consistent with the architectural style of the development.

  1. Podium Rooftop

  1. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view or be concealed by incorporating it within the roof envelope or by screening it in a way that is consistent with the character and exterior finishing of the development.

  2. The central portion of the Podium rooftop shall provide an outdoor amenity. Refer to Figure 7 visual interpretation.

  3. For each stage of development, the podium rooftop, where feasible, shall be landscaped and provide an outdoor Amenity Area.


Figure 7: Illustrative roof plan showing how roof top areas should be developed to encourage landscaped Amenity Areas that are visually pleasing and environmentally friendly.

  1. Tower Zone

  1. Towers shall be terraced from north to south and from the center axis to the east and west Façades.

  2. The terrace areas of the Towers may incorporate partially vegetated roofs.

  3. The Development Officer may require the applicant to submit a Visual Analysis Report to inform the review of the building elevations and profiles in preserving and enriching view corridors from public places and streets in the surrounding area.  A Visual Analysis Report shall:

  1. Identify the extent to which existing views to downtown may be blocked;

  2. Depict in graphic form views before and after the project, utilizing photographs of the area and neutral drawings derived from at least two (2) points from which the proposal will be commonly viewed; and

  3. Indicate these points of observation on an inset map or plan of the area.

  1. Tower Maximum Height

  1. The maximum building Height for the development shall not exceed 80 m.

  2. Notwithstanding 8(g)(i), the maximum building Height and the exact location of the highest structure may be varied up to 5% to allow architectural embellishments consistent with architectural style.

  3. The highest structure shall be located closer to the north-south axle of the site within the tallest Tower zone as conceptually illustrated in Figures 8 to 11.

  4. The south shortest Tower zone shall be a maximum of 40% of the north tallest Tower Height.

  1. Garbage Collection / Loading Areas

  1. For each stage of development, garbage collection, recycling separation or other such functions shall not be located within 7 m of any public roadway or 5 m from the south property line, and shall be concealed from view from adjacent sites and public roadways. The garbage collection area shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with City Planning and Development and Zoning Services.

  2. Garbage collection areas shall be sited so that the garbage trucks have room to maneuver without backing onto public right-of-ways.

  3. Unsightly areas including loading docks, truck parking, utility meters, Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning and other service functions shall be located within enclosed structures.

  4. Loading docks, truck parking, utility meters, Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning, and other service functions shall be incorporated into the overall design theme of buildings and/or landscape so that the architectural design is continuous and uninterrupted by any Accessory elements/equipment.

  1. Lighting

  1. Any outdoor lighting for development shall be located and arranged so that no direct rays of light are directed at any adjoining properties, or interfere with the effectiveness of any traffic control devices.

  2. At each stage of development, a lighting plan shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  3. Background spaces like Parking Areas shall be illuminated as unobtrusively as possible to meet the functional needs of safe circulation and of protecting people and property.  Foreground spaces, such as building entrances and plaza seating areas, shall utilize local lighting that defines the space without glare.

  4. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development ensuring a well-lit environment for pedestrians, accentuating artwork, and highlighting the development at nighttime. 

  1. Wind, Shadow and Other Adverse Impacts

  1. Design features shall mitigate adverse microclimatic effects such as wind tunneling, snow drifting, rain sheeting, extended shadowing and loss of sunlight on- and off-site.  To ensure adverse effects are minimized the Development Officer may require the applicant to submit the following technical studies:

  1. A Wind Impact Study prepared by a qualified, registered Professional Engineer, and may include a computer model simulation analysis, prepared to professional standards; and

  2. A Sun Shadow Impact Study that indicates on the Site Plan the location of all shadows cast by the building (with associated dates of the year).

DC2.986.9.           Public / Private Interface


This section aims at ensuring that the pedestrian environment at the interface with the public realm is enhanced through appropriate landscape and streetscape features to contribute to visual quality and continuity within and between developments, provide screening and mitigation of potential conflicts between activity areas and site elements, and enhance outdoor spaces.

  1. Landscaping

  1. The Development Officer may vary the width of landscaped Yards and the type, amount, and location of landscaping.

  2. For each stage of the development, a detailed Landscape Plan shall be submitted by a registered landscape architect for review and approval by the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning and Development and Zoning Services as part of a Development Permit application, except for excavation of foundations and underground parkade.

  3. In determining the optimum placement and interrelationship of required landscape elements, the Landscape Plan shall have regard to the following:

  1. Enhancing visual continuity within the development;

  2. Providing tree canopy cover;

  3. Creating visual interest year round;

  4. Complementing the architecture of a development;

  5. Providing screening of areas of low visual interest or visually intrusive site elements;

  6. Conserving water;

  7. Avoiding reliance on excessive maintenance;

  8. Promoting compatibility and buffering between and among dissimilar land uses; and

  9. Establishing spatial definition.

  1. Boulevards shall be landscaped to satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning and Development and Zoning Services;

  2. Landscape areas shall include all areas on the site that are not covered by buildings, structures, paving or impervious surface.  The selection and location of ground cover, pedestrian paving and other landscaping elements are to be used to meet functional and visual purposes including, but not limited to defining spaces, accommodating and directing circulation patterns, managing visibility, attracting attention to building entrances and other focal points, and visually integrating buildings with the landscape area and with each other. 

  3. In situations where the design and placement of buildings do not adequately mitigate conflicts reasonably anticipated to exist between dissimilar use classes or buildings, one (1) or more of the following landscape buffering techniques shall be used:  

  1. Separation and screening with plant material: planting dense stands of evergreen trees, canopy shade trees, ornamental trees or shrubs;

  2. Integration with plantings: incorporating plantings into the architectural theme of buildings and their outdoor spaces to subdue differences in architecture and bulk, avoid harsh edges, and integrate with the scale, type and massing of buildings adjacent to a particular landscaped Yard; and

  3. Visual integration of walls: providing plant material in conjunction with a screen panel to avoid the visual effect created by unattractive screening such as surface Parking Areas, and be used to enhance building design and continuity of streetscape.

  1. Water conservation is a primary goal to be addressed in the Landscape Plan.  Water conservation is to be achieved through the application of Xeriscape landscaping principles.  One or more of the following Xeriscape landscaping principles shall be used:

  1. Grouping plants with similar water requirements together on the same irrigation zones;

  2. Limiting high-irrigation plantings to appropriate high-use areas with high visibility and functional needs;

  3. Use of low-water demanding plants and turf where feasible;

  4. Use of efficient irrigation systems;

  5. Incorporation of soil improvements; and

  1. Pedestrian Walkways and Connections

  1. An on-site pedestrian circulation system shall be designed to allow for direct connections to major pedestrian destinations such as transit stops that may be located adjacent to the development that avoids pedestrian vehicular conflicts. Refer to Figure 12 for visual interpretation.

  2. At any stage where interim surface parking is provided, Walkways shall link street sidewalks with building entries through the surface parking. Such Walkways shall be enhanced with a paved surface.

  3. Pedestrian Walkways shall provide safe and inviting routes and foster connectivity throughout various parts of the site and adjacent developments.

  4. Visible and convenient pedestrian access shall be provided into the site from the public sidewalk. 

Figure 12: Enhance and develop areas of natural pedestrian movement to enhance public links and promote use of public provided areas.

  1. Public Art

  1. At each stage of the development a public art feature shall be provided. 

  2. The Owner shall provide public art through two opportunities:

  1. Purchased Art: Includes artwork acquired through a juried art procurement process administered by the Edmonton Arts Council.

  2. Structural Art: Includes artwork created through artistic application of hard and soft landscaping to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and administered by a selected committee including a member of the Edmonton Arts Council. The process will include a juried selection of concepts proposed by emerging local artists.

  3. The selected committee, with representation from the developer and the Edmonton Arts Council, shall work cooperatively to oversee this Public Art Program, in consultation with the Development Officer.

  4. A budget amount of $62,500 shall be provided for each Tower or a portion thereof, up to a maximum of $250,000 for the entire development, for the acquisition or commissioning of public art.

  5. A staging Public Art Program shall be submitted with the Development Permit application for the first stage of development to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.  Public art shall be provided in consolidated stages to provide for significant public art in appropriate locations and shall commence by the completion of the first stage of the development.

  6. The Structural Art shall be defined in the Site Plan for said stage to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  7. For each stage of the development the proportional share of the above captioned value shall be contributed to the City in trust for the commission of public art.  Artworks will be acquired through a juried art procurement process administered by the Edmonton Arts Council, and shall be owned and maintained by the Owner.  A signed agreement between the Owner and the City shall be required to stipulate the conditions of this public art contribution.

  8. If there is an over expenditure for any stage in excess of the $62,500, that excess amount shall be credited towards the subsequent stage.

  1. Green Sustainable Practices and Targets

  1. The design and implementation of this development shall apply techniques to reduce consumption of water, energy, and materials consistent with best practices in sustainable design. At minimum, sustainable green targets shall address the following:

  1. stormwater management;

  2. heat island effect;

  3. water efficient landscaping;

  4. innovative wastewater technologies;

  5. proposed water use reduction strategies;

  6. proposed strategies for reduced energy consumption;

  7. low-emitting lighting; and

  8. precedence of applied materials.

  1. At each stage of the development, the owner shall submit a report signed by an accredited professional with all chosen green sustainable targets along with the application for the Development Permit to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.  Acceptable letter formats may include the LEED™ letter templates included in the Green Building Rating System LEED™, Canada NC 1.0, 2004, as amended, or any other format acceptable to the Canadian Green Building Council LEED™.

  1. Signage

  1. The owner shall submit a comprehensive sign design plan with the submission of a Development Permit application for an entire stage, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  2. Sign types permitted by this DC2 Provision may be allowed in accordance with Schedule 59F and in accordance with the General Provisions of Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw.

  3. Individual business identification signs located on the Façades of buildings shall be similar in proportion, construction materials and placement. Signs shall be designed and located so as to ensure that the signage does not detract from the overall appearance of the development and is not obtrusive, having regard to the scale of the buildings on the site and to the distance of the building yard.

  1. Environmental Planning

Regulations in this section refer to the attached Appendix 1, NE and NW Excavation Plan and Location of the Liner. 

  1. A Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment for the entire site must be completed and approved by the Development Officer in consultation with Alberta Environment, Alberta Health Services, and the City of Edmonton Planning Department, prior to the issuance of the first Development Permit anywhere on the site. 

  2. Pursuant to the Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment, a Phase 3 Environmental Site Assessment shall be required subject to the following:

  1. A Phase 3 Environmental Site Assessment must be completed and approved by the Development Officer in consultation with Alberta Environment, Alberta Health Services, the Transportation Department and the City of Edmonton Environmental Planning Unit for the entire site, prior to a Development Permit being issued anywhere on the site.

  2. Verification of complete remediation to allow for the complete range of allowable land uses must be approved by the Development Officer for the Stage 1 Development Area, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Alberta Environment, Alberta Health Services, the Transportation Department and the City of Edmonton Environmental Planning Unit. For the areas outside of the Stage 1 development area, the Phase 3 Environmental Site Assessment may as an alternative to complete cleanup, include a Risk Management Plan for the complete range of allowable land uses for areas outside of the Stage 1 development area to ensure that there will be no migration of contamination from other portions of the site or from adjacent roadways/properties into the Stage 1 Development Area.

  3. A Phase 3 Environmental Site Assessment verifying the full remediation to allow for the complete range of allowable land uses for the balance of the site must be approved by the Development Officer in consultation with Alberta Environment, Alberta Health Services, the Transportation Department and the City of Edmonton Environmental Planning Unit, prior to the issuance of any Development Permits outside the Stage 1 boundary other than for surface parking and landscaping for the areas outside of the Stage 1 boundary.

DC2.986.10.       Transportation


This section is intended to ensure the development’s impact on the traffic-carrying capacity of adjacent public roadways will remain at acceptable Level of Services as defined by the current version of the City of Edmonton Roadway Planning and Design Objectives or equivalent document.

  1. Traffic Impact Assessment & Off-site Project Improvements

  1. For each stage of development a Traffic Impact Assessment shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a Development Permit for the stage. A Traffic Impact Assessment may also be required for subsequent Development Permit applications and shall be determined by the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning.  The Traffic Impact Assessment shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning.

  2. Upon review of the Traffic Impact Assessment the Development Officer may identify that off-site improvements are required to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the proposed development.  The owner shall enter into an agreement with the City of Edmonton for the completion of these improvements necessary to serve the development as a condition of the Development Permit.  Off-site improvements required to service the proposed development are not required to be immediately adjacent to the site.

  1. Functional Study & Off-Site System Improvements

  1. Prior to submitting the development application for the second stage or subsequent development applications beyond the first stage, the Owner shall provide $250,000 to the City of Edmonton to undertake a functional study, as defined by the City of Edmonton, for the area between 34 Avenue NW and Argyll Road on Gateway Boulevard NW and Calgary Trail NW.

  2. The purpose of the functional study shall be solely analytical and fact finding to inform the options of off-site system improvements (system mitigation measures) for the proposed stage of the development; hence, it shall not have any obligation to yield a solution.

  3. Functional Study: Scope, Timelines & Outcomes


  1. The scope of the above mentioned functional study shall be outlined by City Planning, and shall include the identification of all possible options of off-site system improvements to satisfy the minimum Level of Service for the proposed stage of the development. 

  2. The functional study shall commence within two (2) months of the submission of the Owner’s funds to the City of Edmonton and be completed no later than six (6) months following project award and initiation.

  3. Along with satisfying the purpose of the functional study from the proposed development perspective, the City of Edmonton may also elect to add scope and/or investigative queries so long as those functional study scope additions do not compromise the owner’s purposes and the timeline requirements as stated in section 9.c.ii of this provision.

  4. Based on the outcome of the functional study, the Transportation Department shall determine which mitigation measures constitute “project” improvements and which mitigation measures constitute “system” improvements.

  5. In the event that a particular improvement is both a project improvement and a system improvement, City Planning shall determine the proportion of the improvement that may be reasonably attributed to the development.

  6. The Owner shall have the option to voluntarily agree to pay for the cost of providing the system improvements, or a prorated share of the cost of said system improvements that are reasonably attributed to the subject development, as determined by the City of Edmonton.

  1. Parking Access and Egress

  1. For each stage of the development, vehicular access and egress points shall be determined with the submission of a Development Permit application and shall be to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department.

  2. Unobstructed vehicular access to and from public roadways shall be provided for all off-street parking spaces.  Vehicular access shall be provided in such a manner as to protect the safety of persons using such access or traveling in the public roadway from which such access is obtained.

  3. Vehicular entrances and exits, as well as on-site and off-site traffic and pedestrian routes, shall be located and designed in a manner that provides for a clearly defined, safe, efficient and convenient circulation pattern for both onsite and off-site vehicular traffic and pedestrian movements, including handicapped movements.

  4. In order to promote the safe, efficient and free flow of traffic on and off-site, the number of access points to the development shall be reduced to a minimum, as reviewed and approved by the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning. However, should it be necessary for efficiency purposes, more than one access to a public roadway may be designed when the additional access will not be hazardous to future safety and operation of adjacent roadways, and the additional access is necessary to promote the safe, efficient and free flow of traffic on and off-site at the level of service determined by the development regulations provided in this Section.  Refer to Figure 13 for visual interpretation.

  5. Where applicable, the Development Permit application shall indicate how vehicular ramps to access the underground parking meet the City’s design standards, having regard for the provision of adequate sight lines for vehicles entering and exiting the parkade and passenger drop-off areas.

  6. At the appropriate stage of the development, the property owner(s) of the adjoining site shall be consulted with regards to the opportunity to integrate its property with the Gateway Complex site by direct on-site access connections to facilitate convenient, efficient and free flowing vehicular traffic and pedestrian movements between adjacent sites, wherever such access is not prohibitive due to such factors as Grade, site configurations and the location of existing development, including utility services, and where integration is desirable due to the existing or potential type of adjacent land uses.  The Development Officer shall waive this requirement if the applicant for the Development Permit can show that after reasonable effort, exercised over a period of no less than 60 days, the applicant has been unable to obtain the required consent from the adjacent property owner(s) for integration and inter-site connections.

Figure 13 – Conceptual plan illustrating the development with access and egress points.

  1. Structured Parking

  1. All parking shall be provided in a combination of underground and aboveground structures, in accordance with Section 6. a. ii of this Provision, except as required and incorporated into building drop-off zones.  The interim Site Plan shall provide for surface parking prior to the completion of the first phase of development. 

  2. No portion of the Above Grade Parking Garage shall be allowed to front onto a street or the public Amenity Areas, except for entries.

  3. Structured parking shall be screened appropriately with architectural treatments and/or landscaping.

  1. Surface Parking

  1. The parking and circulation system within each stage of development shall accommodate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, throughout the proposed development and to and from surrounding areas.

  2. All areas within the perimeter of the surface parking area shall be landscaped . Landscaped areas within the perimeter of the surface parking areas shall be applied to improve the parking area appearance and to reduce heat build-up.

  3. Surface parking areas shall be visually and functionally segmented into several smaller Lots by landscape areas.

  4. Landscaped islands with raised curbs shall be used to define Parking Area entrances, the ends of all parking aisles and the location and pattern of primary internal access drives.

  5. Surface parking areas shall provide well-defined circulation routes for vehicles and pedestrians through the use of techniques which may include, but not limited to, special paving, raised surfaces, pavement marking, signs, landscaping, lighting or other means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas.

  6. Curbcuts and ramps shall be located at convenient, safe locations for the physically disabled and for people pushing strollers or carts. The location of curbcuts and ramps shall avoid crossing or funneling traffic through loading areas and outdoor trash storage/collection areas.

  7. Number of Vehicular Spaces

  1. At any stage of the development, if the applicant for a Development Permit can satisfy the Development Officer, in consultation with City Planning, through a Vehicular Parking Demand Study, prepared for the proposed stage of the development, that by virtue of the use, character, or location of the proposed stage, and its relationship to public transit facilities and other available parking facilities, the parking requirement for the proposed development is less than any minimum set out in the Parking Schedule 1 of Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw, the Development Officer shall allow a reduction from the minimum in the number of parking spaces. Any proposed reduction may be approved or modified by the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning.

  2. For any Development Permit application that does not meet the Zoning Bylaw parking requirements, a Parking Impact Assessment shall be submitted to the Development Officer in order to assist in the determination of the required off-street vehicular parking demand.  Any proposed reduction may be approved or modified by the Development Officer in consultation with the City Planning.

  1.  Location of Vehicular Parking Facilities

With Development Permit applications, the applicant may apply to implement an Accessory Parking Facility on a site located remotely.  The applicant shall submit a Transportation Impact Assessment and a Parking Impact Assessment for the Accessory Parking Facility which will be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning.  The size and location of the Accessory Parking Facility will be reviewed with the Development Permit application.

DC2.986.11.     Off-Site Improvements and Other Contributions


This Section is intended to ensure that the overall development impact on City’s infrastructure is appropriately mitigated.

  1. Off-Site Improvements to Serve the Development

  1. For each stage of the development and prior to issuance of a Development Permit for the stage, the owner shall enter into an agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development.  Improvements to be addressed in the agreement include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Removing all existing accesses Abutting the site and construction of the curb and gutter and restoration of the boulevard to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning and Development and Zoning Services;

  2. Repairing of any damage to the Abutting roadways, sidewalks or boulevards resulting from construction of the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning. The site shall be inspected by City Planning prior to the start of construction and once again when construction is complete;

  3. Constructing a sidewalk on 48 Avenue NW adjacent to the north property line to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning;

  4. Planting of trees and or landscaping in the boulevards on the east and north side of the development to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning and Development and Zoning Services;

  5. Contributing to or constructing all off-site roadway improvements resulting from this development, as deemed necessary by the functional study;

  6. Rerouting of all underground and above ground and off-site utilities necessary to serve a specific stage of the development;

  7. Constructing accesses associated curb ramps and drop-off areas to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with  City Planning; and

  8. Constructing and replacing fire hydrants to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with EPCOR Water Services Inc.

  1. Contribution to Roadway Improvements

  1. In addition to the contribution value for the functional study stipulated in Section 9.b. of this DC2 Provision, and upon the submission of a Development Permit application, the Owner shall also contribute to or construct roadway improvements. The contribution amount will be reviewed by the Transportation Department with each Development Permit application and shall be proportionate to the increased impact to the roadway system resulting from this development, based on the conclusion of the Traffic Impact Assessments and/or the functional study.  

DC2.986.12.     Site Specific Regulations for a Temporary Storage Use

Notwithstanding Sections 5-10 of this Direct Control a Temporary Storage Use shall adhere to the following regulations:

  1. Any Development Permit approved for Temporary Storage shall be temporary in nature and limited to a maximum of three (3) years commencing on February 12, 2018, with no possibility of extension;

  2. Landscaping shall be as shown in Appendix II; and

  3. The surface treatment for all areas used for outdoor Temporary Storage shall be of such a surface that shall minimize the carrying of dirt or foreign matter upon any public roadway from the Site.  


Appendix I NE and NW Excavation Plan and Location of the Liner


Appendix II Landscape Plan and Details

