Part IV Edmonton Zoning Bylaw

Section DC2.940

Bylaw 17827

November 28, 2016

DC2.940.1.            General Purpose

To establish a Site Specific Development Control Provision to accommodate a low rise, medium density residential development, that is compatible with adjacent land uses and supports a pedestrian friendly streetscape.

DC2.940.2.          Area of Application

This provision shall apply to Lots 8 -  12, Block 40, Plan 117; located on the south side of 80 Avenue NW, west of 99 Street NW, as shown on Schedule “A” of this Bylaw adopting this provision, Ritchie.

DC2.940.3.          Uses

  1. Apartment Housing

  2. Major Home Based Business

  3. Minor Home Based Business

  4. Fascia On-premises Signs

  5. Projecting On-premises Signs

DC2.940.4.          Development Regulations

  1. Development within this Provision shall be in general conformance with Appendices I-V.

  2. The maximum Height shall not exceed 17.5 m

  3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 2.8.

  4. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 51.

  5. The development shall include a minimum of ten (10) Dwellings with two or more bedrooms of which three (3) shall be Family Oriented Dwellings.

  6. The minimum Front Setback shall be 5.5 m

  7. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 4.0 m.

  8. The minimum Side Setbacks shall be 3.0 m.

  9. Notwithstanding Section 52 of the Zoning Bylaw, the Development Officer shall determine Grade by calculating the average of the elevation at the corners of the Site prior to construction.

  10. Architectural features such as balconies and roof projections may project into required Setbacks to a maximum of 1.0 m.

  11. For the east Facade, the building shall have a minimum 3.7 m Stepback at both 10.7 m and 13.9 m in height.  Enclosed stairwells shall not be subject to this Stepback requirement.

  12. There shall be a roof feature over the main front entrance to the building that shall project up to 3.0 m into the front Setback to give a sense of entry to the building.

  13. A minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 shall be provided for each Dwelling except that for ground Storey Dwellings, a minimum of 15.0 m2 of Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be provided.A minimum of 90 m2 of communal Amenity Area shall be provided either within the building or outdoors on rooftop/above Grade terraces.

  14. Private Outdoor Amenity Areas shall be provided in accordance with Section 47 of the Zoning Bylaw, except that no minimum dimensions shall apply and they may also be provided in the Front Yard.  Where provided in a Front Yard, it shall be clearly delineated and reasonable privacy shall be maintained through the use of hard and/or soft Landscaping elements.

  15. Separation Space and Privacy Zones shall be provided in accordance with Section 48 of the Zoning Bylaw except that Separation Space in front of a Habitable Room Window other than a Principal Living Room Window shall be reduced to the required Setback provided the window is a clerestory window.  If the sill of a Principal Living Room Window is at least 1.5 m above Grade and an acceptable landscaped buffer is provided, the required Privacy Zone may be reduced to 1.0 m to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  16. In addition to the requirements of Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw, the following shall also apply and be shown on the landscape plan submitted with a Development Permit application:

  1. entry transitions including features such as steps, decorative fences and gates within the Setback from 80 Avenue NW;

  2. clear delineation of all Private Outdoor Amenity Areas at Grade using decorative fences;

  3. the use of decorative fences between surface parking areas and windows, amenity areas and entrances of ground Storey Dwellings that look onto these areas; and

  4. drought resistant landscaping.

  1. Adjacent City of Edmonton public boulevard trees shall be protected as per Parks and Planning ‘Large Tree Hoarding’, drawing L100. All components and workmanship shall conform to the specification Section 02930 Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers as well as related sections. The following shall also apply:

  1. trees within 1 – 3m of construction activity require 10mm plywood and 1.25m height enclosure separating tree from the project site;

  2. trees within 3 – 5m of construction require a standard “safety orange” snow fence to be placed a min. of 2.5m from the tree trunk; and

  3. excavation beyond 2m of existing trees requires all tree roots to be severed with a “root-cutter” to a depth of 350mm to 500mm prior to digging with all exposed roots flush with the excavation wall pruned immediately after excavation.

  1. Signs shall comply with the General Provisions of Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw and Schedule 59B of the Zoning Bylaw.

DC2.940.5.          Parking, Loading and Access

  1. Vehicular access to parking shall be from the abutting Lane.

  2. All exterior waste collection areas shall be generally located as shown on Appendix I, shall be accessed from the rear Lane and shall be screened in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw.  Gates and/or doors that restrict access to the enclosure are not required but the waste collection bins must be locked to prevent access.

  3. The underground driveway ramp must not exceed a slope of 6% for a minimum distance of 4.5 m inside the property line. The ramp must be at Grade at the property line.

  4. The proposed retaining walls bordering the underground driveway/Parking Garage ramp, must not exceed a Height of 0.3 m for a distance of 3.0 m from the property line and no portion of the wall may encroach onto road right-of-way.  Should the owner/applicant wish to increase this Height, adequate sight line data must be provided to ensure vehicles can exit safely to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Urban Transportation. 

  5. The portion of the Parking Garage that is above ground level shall not exceed 2.2 m above the ground adjacent to the Parking Garage on the east Façade of the building and 0.8 m above the ground adjacent to the Parking Garage on the west Façade of the building.

  6. Vehicular and bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw, except:

  1. No off-street vehicular loading facilities shall be required;

  2. A maximum of three (3) surface parking spaces shall be located at the rear of the building accessed from the abutting Lane.  All other vehicular Accessory parking shall be provided underground.

  3. Accessory vehicular parking shall be provided at the rates identified for Apartment Housing developments located within 100 m of a Transit Avenue as specified in Section 54.2, Schedule 1 of the Zoning Bylaw;

  4. A total of eight (8) visitor parking spaces are required. Of these, a single surface “car-share” parking space will be allocated to accommodate a vehicle from a program that the building owner intends to integrate into the building operations and will also be available to the community to use.  Should this program not be implementable, the stall shall be used for visitor parking;

  5. Twelve (12) bicycle parking spaces are required and shall be provided within a secure enclosed area within the ground storey of the principle building that is easily accessible to cyclists via access ramps, or a route through the building which facilitates easy and efficient transportation of bicycles; and

  6. Three (3) visitor bicycle parking spaces will be provided at the front of the building.

DC2.940.6.          Urban Design Regulations

  1. Elements of the development and of individual dwellings such as windows, doors, balconies and Private Outdoor Amenity Areas shall be sited, oriented and designed to minimize their impact on adjacent dwellings, considering such things as daylight, sunlight, ventilation, quiet, visual privacy, shadowing, views, and noise.  The applicant shall provide, at the discretion of the Development Officer, information regarding the location of such features on adjacent and abutting Sites and the relationship to the subject Site that demonstrates the minimizing of the impact described above to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  2. Balconies and glazing along the east side of the principal building shall provide adequate screening and be located to maximize privacy and minimize overlook to the adjacent residential property, in general accordance with the appendices.  This may include, but is not limited to privacy screens, louvers, frosted glass or glass block, or landscaping buffer, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  3. All ground level residential Dwellings, except those adjacent to the rear lane, shall have an individual external entrance to Grade oriented and clearly visible to be readable from and lend a sense of occupancy to the public roadway.  Sliding patio doors shall not serve as this entrance.

  4. All ground level residential Dwellings shall have a semi-private outdoor Amenity Area in front of each Dwelling’s exterior entry that shall be provided in a manner that establishes a transition area between the Amenity Area and the adjacent public roadway (excluding a Lane), abutting Site or Setback area using landscape features such as decorative fencing, change in Grade, shrub beds or rock gardens and/or built elements such as private entrance features and verandas or porches.

  5. Building components such as windows, doors, trim, columns, balconies, stairs, and roofline features should be in proportion to one another and to the overall mass of the building.

  6. Architectural treatment of all facades of the building shall create a unified building exterior.  The building shall incorporate design elements to reduce the perceived mass and add architectural interest, including but not limited to:

  1. clear articulation of the façade, using a defined pattern of projections and recessions;

  2. the use of a variety of exterior building cladding materials; and

  3. a prominent front entrance.

  1. A minimum 1.83 m high wood screen fence shall be provided for the full length of the west property line except within the Setback from 80 Avenue NW and within 3.0 m of the rear Lane.

  2. A minimum 1.83m high combination retaining wall/wood screen fence shall be provided for the full length of the east property line except within the Setback from 80 Avenue NW and within 3.0m of the rear Lane.

  3. The building shall be finished with high quality, durable materials and the contextual fit, design, proportion, quality, texture, and application of various finishing materials shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.  Vinyl siding and/or knockdown stucco are prohibited.

  4. Any portion of the Parking Garage entrance that is exposed shall be consistent with the character of the building and be designed and articulated to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  5. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall be provided to ensure a well-lit and safe environment for pedestrians in accordance with section 58 of the Zoning Bylaw to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

  6. Night-time light pollution shall be reduced by avoiding over-illumination of the development and by using exterior lighting fixtures that are full cut-off in design which direct light downward, to ensure illumination does not extend beyond the boundaries of the development Site in accordance with section 51 of the Zoning Bylaw.

  7. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building.

DC2.940.7.          Contributions and Improvements

  1. Prior to the issuance of any development permit, the Development Officer shall ensure that a signed Agreement has been executed between the City and the Owner, requiring the Owner to provide the City at the time of Development Permit approval, the option to purchase 5% of the proposed number of residential units at 85% of the market price or pay the equivalent cash in lieu to the City.

  2. Prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, the owner shall enter into an agreement with the City of Edmonton whereby the owner shall provide a minimum contribution of $20,000.00 towards an on-Site located public art display which will be incorporated into the front entrance of the building and is visible from the public realm.

DC2.940 Map

Dc2.940 Appendices